About Me
Hi, everyone! This is a website to share with my friends and everyone around my age, about me, and what I have been doing up till now. I spent most of my time in schools, so I will have another 2 tabs above sharing about those sports and my little avhievements.

Aloysus, Jerrod, Thanseem, & Me
Current Life
I will be 21 years old this year. Time fly past too fast, and I have just started my study life in Singapore Polytechnic. This picture shows the friends I met during the orientation programme. I am glad that I met them, they helped me out alot during the tough times. To be honest, poly's pace is too fast for me, as during the first week of the lessons, lecturers have already mentioned about CAs. :o It's a shocked for me~
Fun Facts
Like: Sports
Dislike: Misunderstandings
Hobbies: Listen to music, watch Korean drama, Japanese drama, and anime
"Break through all walls, reach for the rainbows". This quotes is what I thought out with during the end of my ITE study journey. Rainbow is colourful, beautiful, it feels like there is a bright future ahead of me. However, it is far away up in the sky. The walls is like all those hurdles in my life, be it past, present, or future. Life is challenging. I want to live my life, breaking through all the walls I faced, reaching out to the future enjoying every moment, and aim to have a colourful life.